Target Audience

This activity is specifically designed for:

  • Program-level healthcare professionals

  • Facility-level healthcare professionals

  • Community-level healthcare professionals

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, learners should be able to:

  • Provide the latest updates on EMTCT activities and progress in the regions

  • Share country experiences with scale-up and integration of dual HIV/syphilis testing to accelerate HIV and syphilis screening

  • Promote Triple Elimination efforts and share perspectives on EMTCT’s role within the broader MNCH arena

  • Highlight key barriers and solutions for EMTCT interventions in the APAC/EMRO regions


The purpose of this course is to promote EMTCT efforts in the regions with an emphasis on practical implementation issues.

  • Welcome and introduction

  • Update on regional EMTCT activities and Oman validation

  • Indonesia’s learning and exchanging experiences on the Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission with Malaysia

  • Triple Elimination within Global Fund guidance for next funding cycle 2023-2025 – FAQs and latest information

  • Key data considerations for EMTCT programs

  • India’s scale-up of dual HIV/syphilis testing

  • Closing remarks

Course Director

Laura Broyles, The Global Health Impact Group


  • Joumana Hermez, WHO EMRO

  • Muhammad Yusuf, MNH Division – MOH, Indonesia

  • Lee Abdelfadil, Global Fund – Geneva

  • Jane Rowley, WHO Geneva

  • Shobini Rajan, NACO – India

  • Morkor Newman, WHO Geneva

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