Target Audience

This activity is specifically designed for:

  • Program managers

  • Clinicians

  • Public health policy makers

  • Donors and implementing partners

  • Civil society organizations

  • Manufacturers

  • Diagnostics experts

  • Others interested in advancing triple elimination through expansion of hepatitis B

Learning Objectives

At the end of the webinar, learners should be knowledgeable of:

  • Updated WHO guidance on screening, prophylaxis, and treatment of hepatitis B relevant to prevention of vertical transmission of hepatitis B

  • Key implementation considerations that can help accelerate adoption of the updated guidelines

  • Overview of hepatitis B diagnostics and medications available in LMICs for use in ANC screening, prophylaxis, and treatment

  • Funding opportunities for hepatitis B interventions in MCH settings


The purpose of this webinar is to provide practical considerations for commodities and service delivery to advance triple elimination through expansion of hepatitis B.

  • Key considerations for implementation of hepatitis B interventions in antenatal care settings

  • Current landscape of hepatitis B diagnostics and medications

  • Global Fund support for hepatitis B testing and treatment among pregnant women


Dr Laura Broyles, The Global Health Impact Group


  • Philippa Easterbrook, WHO Geneva

  • Oriel Fernandes, Clinton Health Access Initiative

  • Satvinder Singh, Global Fund

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